Month: January 2021

Work Practice and Monitoring for a Chrome Abatement Composite Mesh Pad System

A frequently overlooked requirement for all air permit in chromium exhaust systems is to monitor and record keep routine maintenance called work practices. These work practices are meant to ensure the abatement devices operate as the manufacturer requires to maintain the effectiveness of the system. The Vanaire Chromax requires this attention to consistently out perform other chromium control devices. Our work practices follow the federal requirements and are illustrated below. Diligent attention to your equipment will result in a long-lasting proper operating scrubber system.

The permittee shall perform inspections of the COMPOSITE MESH PAD (CMP) SYSTEM / CMP / PACKED BED COMBINED SYSTEM as follows: (40 CFR 63.343(c)(1) or (3))

  1. Determine Overall pressure drop across the CMP SYSTEM once each day that the affected source is operating. If the pressure drop across the control varies by more than ±2 inch of water gauge, from the pressure drop determined during compliance testing, the permittee shall document the variation, and review the operation and maintenance procedures.  The permittee shall document any corrective action.
  2. Visually inspect the CMP SYSTEM on a quarterly basis, to ensure there is proper drainage, no chromic acid build up on the pads, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the control device.
  3. Visually inspect the back portion of the mesh pad closest to the fan, on a quarterly basis, to ensure there is no breakthrough of chromic acid mist.
  4. Visually inspect ductwork from tanks to the CMP SYSTEM/CMP/PACKED BED COMBINED SYSTEM, on a quarterly basis, to ensure there are no leaks.
  5. Perform wash-down of composite mesh pads in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
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