Scrubbers for Pickling, Passivation, Descaling, and Galvanizing Operations – Trust Vanaire’s Expertise

When it comes to ventilation options for your specific company processes, Vanaire is the go-to. Our knowledge in these fields is unmatched.

Harsh Chemicals used for Pickling, such as Nitric Acid, Hydrofluoric acid, and Hydrochloric acid, Descaling with Sulfuric Acid, Passivation with Nitric Acid and Citric Acid, and Galvanizing with Sulphuric Acid and HCL Acid all fall under OSHA requirements for exposure limits. In addition, the EPA mandates the Air Pollution Control of the emissions of many of these fumes.  In order to effectively capture and ventilate corrosive fumes, Vanaire specially designs Exhaust Hoods and Ductwork.  Since these acids are soluble in water, Vanaire recommends our Wet Packed Bed Scrubber to abate the emissions. Our scrubbers facilitate Mass Transfer and for optimal results, we suggest a Three Stage Scrubber using  Packing to control the vapors, Chevron to remove bulk particulates, and an Acid Fog Mist Eliminator to capture smaller particles.

At Vanaire, we manufacture scrubbers in various materials, including PVC, CPVC, Polypro, Kynar, and Fiberglass, to name a few. Vanaire Engineering customizes each Scrubber unit to the customer’s needs.

Please reach out to us today and we can perform a CFM calculation for your process, along with guidance to provide a customized System for compliance.

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