St. Mary’s Center’s Swashbuckler Event

Last week Vanaire had the honor of being a sponsor of the St. Mary’s Center’s Swashbuckler Event.

St. Mary’s Center is a Louisville non-profit, serving adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. St. Mary’s has been providing vocational, independent living, academic, and social skills to program participants for 30 years. Their services include providing outings, activities, sports programs, and helping participants become more independent.

The Swashbuckler Event hosted 160 people and raised over $40,000. The pirate themed event includes a catered meal, a live and silent auction, dancing, and live music by Most Wanted.

To maintain our high standard of quality programming, St. Mary’s Center relies on the generosity of the community through donations and fundraisers.  Participants are never turned away because of an inability to pay. If you would like to donate to St. Mary’s Center click here

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